Meeting with the Mobility House
May 17, 2023
Summary: have Mobility House supply the charging infrastructure (and possibly electricity if they have the meter) and Highland Fleets supply the buses and maintenance.
- Sam Hill-Cristol can ask Blue Bird Buses to create better funding methods for SuperSelby so it is paid over time instead of upfront.
- Example: pay for the chassis, then the batteries, then the {another part}
- About the Mobility House
- Founded in Munich, Germany
- ~300 employees
- Offers CaaS (Charging as a Service)
- Install electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) with minimal upfront costs (ø capital costs)
- Apply for EPA 2023 grant with SuperSelby applying as a 3rd-party
- It is a grant, so it there is writing of reasoning for getting the $ as opposed to a rebate which randomly selects its recipients
- It is for underprivileged communities
- The Mobility House may or may not own the meter, determining whether or not they pay for electricity
- 47¢ per mile - example mobility house rate in California
Next Steps
- Email Sam Hill-Cristol and Mr. MacNeil so they can meet to talk about the pricing of charging infrastructure and compare it to Highland Fleets