Meeting with the Mobility House
May 17, 2023
Sam Hill-Cristol <>
- Has NYSERDA contract
Software is the product (for optimal charging)
Does not make chargers
Mobility House Projects
New York City school bus umbrella services (NYCSBUS pronounced > nice bus)
Private operator for public school in the Bronx
Funding - free money from grants, Financing - loans and paying off
Charging as a service
Mobility House - charger-focused but can ask partners to finance
Charge per mile and cover maintenance
Owns the chargers, panels connecting to the grid. Pays the > utility. Charge based on mile fee
Can own after 10 years or so
Minimize electricity charge, do the charging requirements > (control speed of charging)
Not bus maintenance, but charger maintenance
Highland wants to become the operator (own buses, chargers, > maintenance)
Bird Bus Sales of NY - dealer on Long Island that Mobility House > works with
Sells big (Type C) and small (Type A)
- MicroBird is a subsidiary of blue bird that makes Type A > buses
NESCO - Thomas Built Buses, mostly electric big (Type C)
Mobility (Sam) knows this dealer
Start-up for Type A (not widespread)
Not as much experience in electric buses as blue bird
Anthony Saragosa
Get all the routes and analyze the best routes
Buildings by sound (Lindy - chair)
IC owns navistar
Meet in 2-3 weeks